[Concours Wanderlust] Soirée MOON BOOTS & FRIENDS le 13 mars (2×2)


Partenaire de la soirée MOON BOOTS & FRIENDS le 13 mars au WanderlustItinéraireBis vous fait gagner 2×2 places pour cette soirée.

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Venez nous rejoindre sur le nouveau groupe ItinéraireBis #1 pour parler musique, fête et peut être faire partie de l’équipe !

Détails de la soirée

We’re happy to welcome back to our favorite astronaut !

Moon Boots entered the world in the mid-1980s via Cape Canaveral. After years of service as the preferred footwear of celebrity astronauts (notably Tom Hanks), Moon Boots came to life during a classified experiment aboard the International Space Station. Little is known of what actually transpired aboard the shuttle, but in short, Moon Boots became a sentient creature, equipped with reason, intuition, and groove. Before long, he grew tired of working for the space-military-industrial complex and found solace in the soothing sounds of underground disco and R&B boogie records. He knew it was only of matter of time before he was hung up like so many boots before him. He abandoned the program and used his savings to build a studio in an unnamed location, where he is currently working.


▬▬▬ PARTENAIRES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Chaaabert -> http://chaaabert.com/
Urban Cliché

▬▬▬ INFOS PRATIQUES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

>> 22H – 06H
Entrée Gratuite avant 23h / 10€ après

Wanderlust, 32 quai d’Austerlitz, 75013 Paris.


Venez ou repartez du Wanderlust Paris gratuitement en Uber, votre chauffeur privé !
Téléchargez l’application Uber sur votre smartphone avec le code WANDERLUST et votre course sera offerte à hauteur de 15€ ! via www.uber.com

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